G3414 | μνᾶ | |||||
原文音譯:mna 對等譯字:COUNT 文法分類:名詞 出現次數:9 最先出現:路 19:13 最後出現:路 19:25 和合本譯字及次數 錠 9 字義及字源追溯 希臘貨幣, 值四英磅餘(H)(4488=彌那)(4487=數點) a mna, a certain weight (H)(4488=mina)(4487=to count) | mna mnah of Latin origin;; n f AV - pound 9; 9 1) in the OT, a weight of 300 shekels was one pound 2) In the NT, a weight and sum of money equal to 100 drachmae, one talent was 100 pounds, a pound equalled 10 1/3 oz. (300 gm) |