G250 G1


250aloe {al-o-ay'} 源自外来语[参0174];阴性名词 AV-aloes 1;1

1)沉香 一种生长于印度与中国的香料树.东方人用其柔软带苦味的木头香熏尸首. 树木可长至120呎高,40呎粗.

250aloe {al-o-ay'} of foreign origin [cf 0174];;n f AV-aloes 1;1

1)aloe,aloes The name of an aromatic tree which grows in eastern India and Cochin China,and whose soft and bitter wood the Orientals used in fumigation and in embalming the dead.The tree grows to a height of

-120feet (40m)and a girth of 12feet (4m).