G0617 | ἀποκυλίω | |||||||||
原文音譯:apo-kuli'o 對等譯字:FROM-ROLL 文法分類:動詞 出現次數:4 最先出現:太 28:2 最後出現:路 24:2 和合本譯字及次數 輥開 2, 輥開了 2 字義及字源追溯 [(575*=從)+(2947*=翻來覆去)] to roll away [(575=off*)+(2947=to roll* about)] | apokulio ap-ok-oo-lee'-o from 575 and 2947;; v AV - roll away 3, roll back 1; 4 1) to roll off or away ++++ This word is used in the Gospels to refer to the stone that was in front of the tomb of Jesus. In Palestine, graves were usually in a depression and the stone was rolled down an incline to cover the mouth of the tomb. For a small grave, about twenty men were required to roll a stone down hill to cover the door of the tomb. The Bible tells us that the stone covering the door of the tomb was a large stone. The women would have needed more men than even a full Roman guard of sixteen men to roll away the stone. This was a major task. |