H7121 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


07121qara'{kaw-raw'} 字根型[与07122在召集人聚会的意义上相同];TWOT-2063;动词 AV-call 528,cried 98,read 38,proclaim 36,named 7,guests 4, invited 3,gave 3,renowned 3,bidden 2,preach 2,misc 11;735


07121qara'{kaw-raw'} a primitive root [rather identical with 07122through the idea of accosting a person met];TWOT-2063;v AV-call 528,cried 98,read 38,proclaim 36,named 7,guests 4, invited 3,gave 3,renowned 3,bidden 2,preach 2,misc 11;735

1)to call,call out,recite,read,cry out,proclaim
--1a1)to call,cry,utter a loud sound
--1a2)to call unto,cry (for help),call (with name of God)
--1a3)to proclaim
--1a4)to read aloud,read (to oneself),read
--1a5)to summon,invite,call for,call and commission,appoint, call and endow
--1a6)to call,name,give name to,call by
--1b1)to call oneself
--1b2)to be called,be proclaimed,be read aloud,be summoned, be named
-1c)(Pual)to be called,be named,be called out,be chosen