H5749 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


05749`uwd {ood} 字根型;TWOT-1576,1576d;动词 钦定本-testify 15,protest 6,witness 6,record 3,charge 2, solemnly 2,take 3,admonished 1,misc 7;45

--2b3)坚决声明,严肃地声明,警戒,正式的劝告或禁止, 训诫,告诫

05749`uwd {ood} a primitive root;TWOT-1576,1576d;v AV-testify 15,protest 6,witness 6,record 3,charge 2, solemnly 2,take 3,admonished 1,misc 7;45

1)to return,repeat,go about,do again
-1a)(Piel)to surround,go round and round
-1b)(Pilel)to restore,relieve
-1c)(Hithpalel)to be restored
2)to bear witness
-2a)(Qal)to bear witness,say again and again
--2b1)to testify,bear witness
--2b2)to cause to testify,take or call as witness,invoke
--2b3)to protest,affirm solemnly,warn,exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish,charge
-2c)(Hophal)to protest,give warning