H5315 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


05315nephesh {neh'-fesh} 源自05314;TWOT-1395a;阴性名词 AV-soul 475,life 117,person 29,mind 15,heart 15,creature 9, body 8,himself 8,yourselves 6,dead 5,will 4,desire 4,man 3, themselves 3,any 3,appetite 2,misc 47;753

1)灵魂,自我,生命,创造物,人,欲望,心智,活着的人, 渴望,情绪,热情

05315nephesh {neh'-fesh} from 05314;TWOT-1395a;n f AV-soul 475,life 117,person 29,mind 15,heart 15,creature 9, body 8,himself 8,yourselves 6,dead 5,will 4,desire 4,man 3, themselves 3,any 3,appetite 2,misc 47;753

1)soul,self,life,creature,person,appetite,mind,living being, desire,emotion,passion
-1a)that which breathes,the breathing substance or being,soul,the inner being of man
-1b)living being
-1c)living being (with life in the blood)
-1d)the man himself,self,person or individual
-1e)seat of the appetites
-1f)seat of emotions and passions
-1g)activity of mind
-1h)activity of the will
-1i)activity of the character