H113 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


0113'adown {aw-done'}或(缩写型)'adon {aw-done'} 字根已不使用(意为"统治");TWOT-27b;阳性名词 AV-lord 197,master(s)105,Lord 31,owner 1,sir 1;335

--1c2b)Adonai "主"(等同神的名字"雅威"[Yahweh])

0113'adown {aw-done'}or (shortened)'adon {aw-done'} from an unused root (meaning to rule);TWOT-27b;n m AV-lord 197,master(s)105,Lord 31,owner 1,sir 1;335

--1a1)reference to men
--1a1a)superintendent of household,of affairs
--1a2)reference to God
--1a2a)the Lord God
--1a2b)Lord of the whole earth
--1b1)reference to men
--1b1a)proprietor of hill of Samaria
--1b2)reference to God
--1b2a)Lord of lords (probably ="thy husband,Yahweh")
-1c)my lord,my master
--1c1)reference to men
--1c1i)theophanic angel
--1c1k)general recognition of superiority
--1c2)reference to God
--1c2a)my Lord,my Lord and my God
--1c2b)Adonai (parallel with Yahweh)