G4712 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


4712stadion {stad'-ee-on} 或是阳性(复数)stadios {stad'-ee-os},源自2476的基本型 (as fixed);;中性名词 AV-furlong 5,race 1;6

-2a)举行跑步竞赛的地方,一人超越其余的人先到达终点,就赢得奖品 这样的描述过程在大部份的希腊大城可以找得到,而且与奥林匹亚相似, 长度是600呎(希腊尺寸)

4712stadion {stad'-ee-on} or masculine (in plural)stadios {stad'-ee-os},from the base of 2476 (as fixed);;n n AV-furlong 5,race 1;6

1)a space or distance of about 600feet (185m)
2)a race course
-2a)place in which contests in running were held,the one who outstripped the rest and reached the goal first,receiving the prize.Courses of this description were found in most of the larger Greek cities,and were like that at Olympia,
-600Greek feet in length